सोमवार, 4 अक्टूबर 2021

looking for parents for case study

Looking for parents for a survey about language complications.
Basic pre-conditions:
  1. At least one parent should be foreign (not grown-up in Germany)
  2. They should be more or less permanently settled in Germany
  3. They should have least one child born in Germany, age 10-18 years.

I would divide the participants into three categories:
  1. 1. One parent German and other from some other country.
  2. 2. Both parents from another but same country, having same mother tongue
  3. 3. Both parents from other but different countries, like Poland - Russia, America -France, India - Georgia, not having the same mother language.

If interested please write me a WhatsApp message on 0174-5306-137. Thanks. Rajneesh Mangla