मंगलवार, 15 अक्टूबर 2013

Manjul Publishing Catalog

  1. ...और इंतज़ार थक गया, मृदुला बाजपेई, 125

  2. 21वीं सदी का लोक व्यवहार, Hindi translation of "you can! - people skills for life" by allan & barbara pease, 95

  3. 24 घंटे में ज़िन्दगी बदलें, hindi translation of the international bestseller "the 24-hour turn-around", 150

  4. 8वीं आदत, hindi translation of the international bestseller "the 8th habit" - by stephen r. covey, 295

  5. abridged hindi translation of "men are from mars, women are from venus" by john gray, 125

  6. Babylon का सबसे अमीर आदमी, Hindi translation of "the richest man in Babylon" by george s. clason, 125

  7. famous five smugglers के बीच, Hindi translation of "five go to smuggler's top" by enid blyton, 85

  8. famous five एक साथ भागते हैं, Hindi translation of "five run away together" by enid blyton, 85

  9. famous five और कारवां का सफर, Hindi translation of "five go off in a caravan" by enid blyton, 85

  10. famous five और खुफिया रास्ता, Hindi translation of "five go adventuring again" by enid blyton, 85

  11. famous five खज़ाने के टापू पर, Hindi translation of "five on a treasure island" by enid blyton, 85

  12. harry potter और अज़्काबान का कैदी, Hindi translation of the international bestseller "harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban" by j.k. Rowling, 295

  13. harry potter और आग का प्याला, Hindi translation of the international bestseller "harry potter and the goblet of fire" by j. k. Rowling, 395

  14. harry potter और पारस पत्थर, Hindi translation of "harry potter and the philosopher's stone" by j. k. Rowling, 165

  15. harry potter और माया पक्षी का समूह, hindi translation of "harry potter and the order of the phoenix" by j.k. rowling, 375

  16. harry potter और मौत के तोहफ़े, hindi translation of the international bestseller "harry potter and the deathly hallows" by j. k. rowling, 450

  17. harry potter और रहस्य मई तहखाना, hindi translation of "harry potter and the chamber of secrets" by j.k. rowling, 195

  18. hindi translation of "body language" by allan pease, 165

  19. hindi translation of "business school" by robert kiyosaki, 150

  20. hindi translation of "cashflow quadrant" by robert t. kiyosaki, 225

  21. hindi translation of "developing the leader around you" by john c. maxwell, 175

  22. hindi translation of "harry potter and the half-blood prince" by j.k. rowling, 350

  23. hindi translation of "personality plus" by florance littauer, 175

  24. hindi translation of "secrets of the millionaire mind" - by t. harv eker, 175

  25. hindi translation of "the alchemist" by paulo coelho, 125

  26. hindi translation of "the business school" by robert t. kiyosaki, 195

  27. hindi translation of "the ice cream maker" by सुबीर चौधरी, 95

  28. hindi translation of "the one minute manager" by kenneth blanchard & spencer johnson, 95

  29. hindi translation of "the sales success handbook" by linda richardson, 80

  30. hindi translation of "the secret seven" by enid blyton, 50

  31. hindi translation of “copycat marketing 101” by burke hedges, 95

  32. hindi translation of “eleven minutes” by paulo coelho, 175

  33. hindi translation of “selling 101” by zig ziglar, 95

  34. hindi translation of 'rich dad poor dad' by robert kiyosaki, 195

  35. hindi translation of the international bestseller "retire young retire rich" - by robert t. kiyosaki, 250

  36. management के नियम, richard templar, 195

  37. management के सबक, सम्रेंद्र नाथ राय, 95

  38. management के सरल नुस्खे, सम्रेंद्र नाथ राय, 95

  39. network marketing - सफलता की राज पर, hindi translation of "network marketing - the way of life" by janusz szajna, 150

  40. network marketing में धन कमाने के 201 आसान तरीके, hindi translation of "201 simple ideas to make more $$$ in network marketing" by richard tan & k.c. see, 175

  41. nutan pandit, 150

  42. rich devos की तरह कैसे बनें, hindi translation of "how to be like rich devos" by pat williams with jim denney, 295

  43. secret seven आगे बढ़ो, hindi translation of "go ahead secret seven", 50

  44. secret seven का रोमांचक कारनामा, hindi translation of "the secret seven adventure", 50

  45. secret seven पीछा करो, hindi translation of "the secret seven", 50

  46. team खिलाड़ी के 17 अनिवार्य गुण, hindi translation of “the 17 essential qualities of a team player” by john c. maxwell, 150

  47. the secret "रहस्य", hindi translation of the international bestseller "the secret" by rhonda byrne", 295

  48. time management by डॉ॰ सुधीर दीक्षित, 40

  49. weight loss cookbook, hindi translation of "weight loss cookbook" by डॉ॰ shikha sharma & niru gupta, 295

  50. अति प्रभावकारी लोगों की 7 आदतें, hindi translation of "7 habits of highely effective people" by stephen r. covey, 225

  51. अधिकतम सफलता, hindi translation of “maximum achievement” by brian tracy, 195

  52. अपना आत्म-गौरव कैसे बढ़ाएं, hindi translation of the international bestseller "how to raise your self-esteem", 150

  53. अपनी क्षमताओं को पहचानें, Hindi translation of "say yes to your potential" by skip ross & carol c. Carlson, 175

  54. अपनी टीम के leaders को विकसित कैसे करें,

  55. अपने दिन को सर्वोत्तम बनाएं, Hindi translation of "optimize your day" by rhoberta shaler, 125

  56. अपने बच्चे को बनाएं विजेता, Hindi translation of "make your child a winner" by डॉ॰ pradeep kapoor

  57. अपने भीतर छुपे leader को कैसे जगाएं, hindi translation of "developing the leader within you" by john c maxwell, 175

  58. अमीर बनने का नया विज्ञान, hindi translation of "the new science of getting rich" by wallace d. wattles, 95

  59. अमीरी की चाबी आपके हाथ में, hindi translation of "the master-key to riches" by napoleon hill, 150

  60. अमीरों के 5 नियम, डॉ॰ सुधीर दीक्षित, 175

  61. असफलता सफलता की सीढ़ी है, hindi translation of "you can fail - coping with faliure and getting ahead…," by shrinivas r. kandula, 195

  62. आज़ादी की ओर बढ़ते कदम, nelson mandela, 395

  63. आत्मविश्वास, hindi translation of the international bestseller "confidence" - by alan loy mcginnis, 125

  64. आत्मा के लिए अमृत का दूसरा प्याला, hindi translation of "a 2nd helping of chicken soup for the soul" by jack canfield and mark victor hansen, 195

  65. आत्मा के लिए अमृत, hindi translation of "chicken soup for the soul" by jack canfield and mark victor hansen, 195

  66. आदर्श स्वास्थ्य क्रांति, hindi translation of the international bestseller "the optimal health revolution" by duke johnson, 250

  67. आप भी leader बन सकते हैं, hindi translation of “the leader in you” by dale carnegie, 150

  68. आप भी बन सकते हैं अपने सपनों का इंसान, hindi translation of "become the person you dream of being" by wes beavis, 150

  69. आपका शरीर और प्रदूषण, hindi translation of "fighting body pollution" by paul kramer, 225

  70. आपकी ज़िन्दगी सिर्फ एक minute में बदल सकती है, hindi translation of "it only takes a minute to change your life!" by willey jolley, 165

  71. आपके अवचेतन मन की शक्ति, hindi translation of the international bestseller "the power of your subconscious mind", by डॉ॰ joseph murphy, 175

  72. आशा का संदेश, hindi translation of "hope from my heart" by rich devos, 325

  73. ऐसी वाणी बोलिए, hindi translation of "the art of talking so that people will listen" by paul w. swets, 165

  74. कार्य के नियम, hindi translation of “the rules of work” by richard templar, 195

  75. कैलाश मान सरोवर, hindi translation of "kailash mansarovar - diary of a pilgrim" निलेश नथवानी, 125

  76. क्या आपका डॉक्टर पोषक तत्वों के बारे में जानता है? hindi translation of "what your doctor doesn't know about nutritional medicine may be killing you" by ray d. strand, 195

  77. खाना खज़ाना भारतीय व्यंजनों का उत्सव, hindi translation of "khana khazana - celebration of indian recipes" by संजीव कपूर, 250

  78. गर्भावस्था, hindi translation of "pregnency" by नूतन पंडित

  79. गहरा रहस्य, hindi translation of "the deeper secret" by annemarie postma", 195

  80. चिंता छोड़ो सुख से जियो, hindi translation of "how to stop worrying and start living" by dale carnegie, 150

  81. चौथा पड़ाव, विजय दत्त श्रीधर, 175

  82. छुआ आसमान, hindi translation of the "wings of fire" - by abul phaqir jain-ul-abideen abdul kalam, 95

  83. जाने कितने रंग पलाश के, मृदुला बाजपेई, 95

  84. जीतने का साहस, hindi translation of the international bestseller "dare to win", 175

  85. जीना सिखा दिया, स्वयं प्रकाश, 250

  86. जीवन एक खोज, त्रिलोक छाबड़ा, 75

  87. जीवन की नई राह, hindi translation of “the road less travelled” by m. scott peck, m.d., 195

  88. जीवन के नियम, hindi translation of “the rules of life” by richard templar, 195

  89. जीवन के बाद जीवन, hindi translation of "life after life" by raymond a. moody, 150

  90. जोश से ही सारा फर्क पड़ता है, hindi translation of “enthusiasm makes the difference” by norman vincent peal, 175

  91. दुनिया का सबसे महान salesman, hindi translation of "greatest salesman in the world" by og mandino, 75

  92. दुनिया का सबसे महान चमत्कार, hindi translation of "greatest miracle in the world" by og mandino, 75

  93. दुनिया की सबसे महान सफलता, hindi translation of "the greatest success in the world" by og mandino, 75

  94. दौलत और ख़ुशी की सात रण नीतियां, hindi translation of "seven strategies for wealth and happiness" by jim rohn, 150

  95. दौलत के नियम, hindi translation of "the rules of wealth" by richard templar, 175

  96. निवास - 40 home plans, बेला गोधा, 195

  97. परवरिश के नियम, hindi translation of “rules of parenting” by richard templar, 195

  98. परिश्रमी जीवन - एक आत्मकथा, hindi translation of "an enterprising life" by jay van andel, 295

  99. प्रगति की राह पर आगे बढ़ें, hindi translation of "let go of whatever makes you stop" by john l. mason, 125

  100. प्रभावशाली व्यक्ति कैसे बनें? hindi translation of "becoming a person of influence" by john maxwell and jim dornan, 175

  101. प्रेम की पांच भाषाएं by gary chapman, 195

  102. प्रेम के नियम, hindi translation of “rules of love” by richard templar, 195

  103. बच्चे की उत्तम देखभाल, hindi translation of "baby and child care" by डॉ॰ r. k. सुनेजा, 175

  104. बड़ी सोच का बड़ा जादू, hindi translation of "the magic of thinking big" by david j schwartz, 175

  105. बड़े सपने देखें, hindi translation of the international bestseller "dreaming big" by bobb biehl & paul w. swets, 175

  106. बुलंद इरादे निश्चित कामयाबी, hindi translation of "you can if you think you can" by norman vincent peale, 175

  107. भारतीय शाकाहारी व्यंजनों का खज़ाना, hindi translation of "khazana of indian vegetarian recipes" by संजीव कपूर, 250

  108. मधुमेह: एक नया जीवन साथी, hindi translation of "diabetes: a partner for life" by डॉ॰ सुनील m. जैन, 175

  109. महिलाओं की आत्मा के लिए अमृत, hindi translation of the international bestseller "chicken soup for the woman's soul" by jack canfield, mark victor hansen, jennifer read hawthorne and marci shimoff, 175

  110. मां की आत्मा के लिए अमृत, hindi translation of the international bestseller "chicken soup for the mother's soul" by jack canfield, mark victor hansen, jennifer read hawthorne and marci shimoff, 195

  111. मित्रता का महत्व, hindi translation of 'the friendship factor' by alan loy mcginnis, 150

  112. मुश्किलें हमेशा हारती हैं संघर्ष करने वाले हमेशा जीतते हैं। hindi translation of "tough times never last but tough people do!" by robert h. schuller, 165

  113. मेरा cheese किस ने हटाया? hindi translation of "who moved my cheese" by spencer johnson, 125

  114. मैं selling में असफलता से सफलता तक कैसे पहुँचा? hindi translation of "how i raised myself from failure to success in selling?" by frank bettger, 175

  115. योग के सात आध्यात्मिक नियम, hindi translation of "seven spiritual laws of yoga" by deepak chopra & david simon, 150

  116. लक्ष्य, hindi translation of “goals!” by brian tracy, 175

  117. लोक व्यवहार, hindi translation of "how to win friends and influence people" by dale carnegie, 85

  118. लोकप्रिय बनने की कला, hindi translation of "how to start a conversation and make friends" by don gabor, 165

  119. लोगों को सर्वश्रेष्ठ कैसे बनाएं? hindi translation of "bringing out the best in people" by alan loy mcginnis, 175

  120. वस्तु आवास - 40 home plans, बेला गोधा, 295

  121. वादे जो निभाने हैं, hindi translation of "promises to keep" by charles paul conn, 75

  122. वेल्च नीति, hindi translation of "the welch way" by jeffery a. krames, 80

  123. शक्ति के 48 नियम, hindi translation of "the 48 laws of power" by robert greene, 195

  124. शक्ति, hindi translation of "the power" by rhonda byrne, 325

  125. शाबाश secret seven, hindi translation of "the secret seven", 50

  126. शिखर पर मिलेंगे by zig ziglar, 175

  127. शेयर बाज़ार में सफलता के सूत्र, डॉ॰ सुधीर दीक्षित, 60

  128. संकट सफलता की नींव है, hindi translation of "setback is a setup for a comeback" by willie jolley, 165

  129. संपूर्ण योग विद्या, राजीव जैन, 195

  130. संपूर्ण सफलता का लक्ष्य, sirshree, 150

  131. संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य, hindi translation of "perfect health" by डॉ॰ दीपक चोपड़ा, 245

  132. संवाद का जादू, hindi translation of "am i making myself clear" by terry felber, 125

  133. सकारात्मक लोगों के लिए 10 शक्तिशाली वाक्य, hindi translation of "ten powerful phrases for positive people" - by rich devos, 150

  134. सकारात्मक सोच की अद्भुत शक्ति, hindi translation of "the amazing results of positive thinking" by norman vincent peale, 185

  135. सपना को सच हुआ, डॉ॰ सुधीर दीक्षित, 75

  136. सफल टीम कैसे बनाएं, hindi translation of "making trams work" by michael maginn, 80

  137. सफल सोच का सफल जादू, hindi translation of "the magic of thinking success" by david j. schwartz, 175

  138. सफलता 101 डॉ॰ सुधीर दीक्षित, 95

  139. सबसे मुश्किल काम सबसे पहले, hindi translation of international bestseller "eat that frog!" by brian tracy, 150

  140. समय आपकी मुट्ठी में, डॉ॰ विजय अग्रवाल

  141. समय का प्रबंधन, hindi translation of “managing the time of your life” by machen macdonald, 125

  142. समुद्र तट पर piano, hindi translation of "piano on the beach" by jim dornan, 175

  143. सर्वश्रेष्ठ समृद्धि के 7 नियम, hindi translation of "7 laws of highest prosperity" by cecil o. kemp jr., 150

  144. सवाल ही जवाब हैं, hindi translation of "questions are the answers" by allan pease, 75

  145. सादा सफल हनुमान, डॉ॰ विजय अग्रवाल, 150

  146. सोचिए और अमीर बनिए, hindi translation of "think and grow rich" by napoleon hill, 150

  147. सोचो बदलो ज़िंदगी बदलो, by brian tracy, 175

  148. सोनिया - एक जीवनी, hindi translation of "sonia - a biography" by rasheed kidwai, 225

  149. स्वास्थ्य क्रांति, hindi translation of the international bestseller "the wellness revolution" by paul zane pilzer, 195

  150. हम आपको अमीर क्यों बनाना चाहते हैं? hindi translation of the international bestseller "why we want you to be rich" by donald j. trump & robert t. kiyosaki, 225

  151. हर मंगल morrie के संग, hindi translation of "tuesdays with morrie" by mitch albom, 125

  152. हीरों की खान, Hindi translation of "acres of diamonds" by russell h. conwell, 50